You’re taking your first trip to New England, New Orleans or New York City. The bags are packed, you’ve made the hotel and flight reservations, and you’re ready to go. This pleasure trip doesn’t warrant any itinerary set in stone, but you want to go where the locals go and do what the locals do. Fair enough. We’ve drafted a list of tips to consider to a have a “When in Rome…” experience the next time you take a pleasure trip.
1. Don’t look like a tourist. By that we mean, ditch the fanny packs, huge camera bags and “I Heart NYC” shirts while in New York City. Nothing screams, “Look at me, I’m a tourist!” more than a fanny pack. We’re not telling you to NOT take pictures, but be as inconspicuous as possible. We hate to be a Debbie Downer but looking like a tourist can also make you prone to muggings. We think the article How to Not Look Like a Tourist in New York City is an excellent reference.
2. Do your research about the city before arriving. While you may want to play everything by ear, learn as much about the city that you’re visiting as much as possible. Is it best to get to the zoo by train or cab? Is it okay to be caught in certain areas at night or should you try and jet out before dawn? Getting an idea of what the city is like ahead of time will help you prepare a little better.
3. Eat where the locals eat. Don’t get us wrong; we have nothing against the Red Lobsters and Olive Gardens of the world. However, nothing screams “I’m a local” than eating a meal from a place you have back home. Apps like Yelp and resources like City’s Best are ideal for scouting out where the locals eat. While spending a few nights in Raleigh, North Carolina I came across one of the best Italian restaurants that I’ve ever been to. I would have never come across this by driving around. It was a little hole-in-the-wall place overshadowed by drive-thru restaurants. Good ole’ Yelp has come to my rescue several times by offering great restaurant suggestions in various cities. Stardust Video & Coffee is a true local and eccentric hangout in Winter Park, Florida.
4. Attend a sporting event. Despite having a father who was a little more than obsessed with sports, I never got into watching the games on television. In person, however, is another story. I’ve attended baseball, hockey, football and basketball games of teams that I’ve never even heard of (sorry Washington Nationals) and have had great times. Being around a ton of fans cheering on their team is exhilarating! If you’re on a budget and want to re-live your college years, attending a university sporting event is a great idea.
5. Chat with strangers. Of course, you’ll want to use your best judgment with this one. However, if you want to know what locals do and where they hang, ask them. Be it on a flight, train ride or in a local deli; proud locals usually don’t mind telling you about their favorite bars, art exhibits, and attractions.